So I went a little sheep crazy for dear little Sam. My aunty has the most wonderful embroidery machine(s) and she is extremely generous. When I told her that I had designed a cross stitch with a sheep for Sam, she went on a search to find some sheep designs to electronically embroider.
I also have my own very basic embroidery machine that is extremely temperamental. Luckily, I was able to embroider the little personalised blanket without the machine having problems. My aunty says that you need to use a lot of stabiliser, and I do use it, but I think I probably need to use a few more layers.
The cot quilt came together in one weekend. I didn't really have a plan (which probably shows), but in the end I do think it looks quite cute.
I thought it might be nice to try and show some of the detail of the machine embroidery. Again, I apologise for the bad cropping job, but I just can't seem to get my editing program to work.

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