I think I mentioned last weekend we had a storm, and I didn't have a car so I was stuck at home. It wasn't all that bad, cause I had a lot of fun putting up the Christmas tree and decorating the house. I have to admit, this year is a bit more low key than usual, as we have a little toddler who visits, so we need to keep things a bit higher and out of temptation, and we also need to keep some space clear for her to play.
One of my favourite things about Christmas is bringing out the decorations that remind me of people and travels. I only started doing it a few trips ago, but now when I travel, I look for decorations that will remind me of a place. The above bauble is from
Oia Santorini in the Greek Islands. It has the year on it, so I'll always remember I got it in 2009 which is an extra bonus for a forgetful girl like me.
Pretty self explanitory. This decoration came from Sorrento in Italy. They had the most gorgeous little shops in Sorrento, many Christmas shops, but not a lot that had decorations with the name and date on it. It took a lot of hunting to find this little one. |
I bought these little glass clogs in Amsterdam. Although they aren't actually Christmas decorations, I still put them on the tree every year - and put them away when it all gets packed up! |
I bought this crown at the Buckingham Palace shop just after I had been on a tour. My awesome friend organised us tickets for us to go and it was amazing. I bought quite a bit of stuff after that tour. Unfortunately a couple of years ago it broke, so it can't hang off the tree anymore, but it was always a little to heavy for it anyway. |
I bought this at a little gift store in Florida USA (on my second trip there). Although it doesn't usually snow here for Christmas (nor in FL for that matter), I thought it was really cute and it reminds me of my North American friends. |
This is a bauble I received as a gift a few years ago from a lovely friend. I had never thought to give someone a bauble as a gift before, but it is such a great idea. I think of her every year when I pull it out and put it on the tree. It is an extra special, luxurious one! |
I bought this nativity set last year from Aldi of all places! I think it's really cute and it's nice 'cause it's simple but still tells the story. |
This is pretty explanitory, but for anyone who hasn't heard of Harrods, it is a quite amazing luxury department store in Knightsbridge London UK. They have a special Christmas section that is there all year round. |
We bought this beautiful PEACE decoration several years ago from Myer. Mum and I walked past and admired it so many times. Then they had a special and we decided to get it. This year it's up very high so that the little one doesn't get to it. |
Well, there you go. A quick tour of the decorations. Only a few more sleeps now until Oprah!!
beautiful decor