Last week (the same night I took the Christmas lights), I met a friend down at Lake Burley Griffin in Canberra right on dusk so that we could practice our night time photography. I am still in the category of beginner so excuse the blur. I also am still playing with settings etc.... it was exciting for me though when I managed to capture a shot with gorgeous colours. Even the above shot (which was the first one of this lot) turned out with beautiful colours even though for the time of day it wasn't looking that vivid.
I am always keen to show off my beautiful home town, so I hope you enjoy....
Parliament House taken from across the lake quite some distance away. I'm a proud Aussie, so I love to see that giant flag flying high. |
Random thought - I was googling something one day and I found a familiar looking image and instantly thought it was Canberra. The scene was of a lake with a water jet, some kids and a globe similar to the above. (Just in front of this globe is a water jet - also in memorial to Capt. Cook). So anyway, it suddenly hit me that it wasn't Canberra. I was blown away at how similar the scene was to Canberra, but the reason I knew it wasn't was that the land around it was too flat. I think it was somewhere in North America, but I can't remember - I really wished I had paid more attention. Anyway, I just thought I'd mention it in case anyone knew what I was talking about.
This is a shot of the High Court of Australia from across the lake. In front are half of the flags along Commonwealth Place. |
It is quite a magnificent building inside - lots of marble and glass. When I went on our lake tour recently the guide noted that you can see straight through to represent the transparency of the law.
The international flags that run along the lake are a flag for each nation who have an diplomatic mission in Canberra.
A wide view of the National Library and the flag at New Parliament House |
I can't remember if I've mentioned before about how much I love this library. It is where I have done the bulk of my family history research. I've spent whole day Saturdays there and loved every minute. I have some other photos of the lake when we went to a
cafe for my niece's 2nd birthday.
If you don't know what you are looking at here, it might just look like a big old mess! This is a reasonable shot of the Old Parliament House (white building in front), with the New Parliament House behind it and a very pretty sunset behind it. |
The New Parliament House was opened in the year of our bicentenary (1988), it was actually built into a hill. It is quite an interesting building as it really just looks like a hill (it even has grass on it) and if it wasn't for the 81 metre flag pole, you possibly wouldn't know it was there!
The Carillion - basically a bell tower that lights up at night and looks quite pretty. |
Well, there you go. I hope you enjoyed the quick tour of the lake. We are heading up to the coast for Christmas with the family. We'll all be together this year and there are lots of kids which always makes Christmas that much more fun. I hope you all enjoy your day tomorrow.
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