Lockdown with Austen

One of my friends is a huge Austen fan. She's an incredibly well read lady, but she loves Jane Austen. I have to admit, I think Jane is pretty awesome too. I love her stories and have thoroughly enjoyed many, many different adaptions of her work.

I made my friend this framed quote for her birthday because she and I (along with Jane), enjoy our own company, and can find it quite draining to be around others for long periods.

With the coronavirus and all the social distancing and lock down, I've thought of it again. Jane's stories have come to my mind more than once and I'm not the only one. I've seen several articles like this, this and this one that talk about the similarities of Austen's regency times and the circumstances we've found ourselves in.

I've always romantically thought it would have been nice to live in a different, more simpler time. Now though, I'm not sure I would have survived quite so comfortably without my technology.

Hope you're keeping safe.
